Meet our team
Meet the people behind The Dark Escape...
Jme Medina - The Dark Escape Developer, Christian artist/writer/Worship Leader, Speaker.
Jme Medina
Jme was born & raised in the inner city of Las Vegas, NV. That gave Jme the gift of not being a stranger to adversity, trials, or perseverance. As a way to express herself and offer the hope of Jesus, she began using her gifts in the Christian music industry singing, songwriting & speaking (Jme Medina Ministries). Through her ministry, thousands of teens & families encountered the love & power of a genuine relationship with God.
Over the past 15 years, she's had the opportunity to tour & partner with multiple well respected artists, speakers, athletes, authors, pastors, promoters, & step into discipleship roles to impact people with the gospel. She uses her gifts to challenge hearts to move from apathy to action & see people set free from strongholds. Jme also has a desire to help educate audiences on apologetics, defending the faith, & exposing the kingdom of darkness through media, music, & other powerful forms of entertainment. Her passion & experience have ultimately led to the development of The Dark Escape.
Chad Daniel- Television host, speaker, author, creator of Youth Bytes,
Chad Daniel
For 25 years, Chad has traveled to over 100 nations doing crusade, evangelism, media production & missions. Through his experience, Chad has seen first hand the power of using media & humor to communicate the simple truth of God's word. Chad is often quoted saying, "Faith will always produce muscle movement in your life!" This challenge has echoed around the globe & has encouraged millions of young people to fulfill the dreams and calls on their lives. Chad's greatest passion is to see young people changed & empowered through the preaching of God's word. A gifted & humorous communicator, Chad's enthusiastic & anointed communication style appeals to people in all cultures. Combining the truth of God's word with relevant & anointed subjects, young & old alike have come to experience the life giving power of Jesus! Through participating in youth rallies & leadership conferences in the US & abroad, Chad's ministry ushers in an air of excitement & faith, which translates into people being set free, healed & delivered. He places a strong emphasis on salvation & the power of God's spirit to change a person's life.
Paul Black- The architect behind all the media, videos and cool stuff!
Paul Black
For over 13 years, Paul Black has traveled the world, documenting exclusive stories with spiritual truths. Paul’s films have been aired on over 100 international TV stations, including TBN, JCTV and Daystar. Paul currently works as senior producer at the International School of Ministry and Chad Daniel Ministries.